Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The beginning of my "Precious Memories"

This is my first blog, so bare with me on my writing as I have been out of the writing world for some time now. I want to start my first "Precious Memory" with the one that is the reason for so many wonderful, blessed memories I have. After I introduce my family in separate posts, I will then on a daily basis add my "Precious Memory" of the day :)

The start of my precious memories began with my Wedding Day. In December of 2005, I married the most wonderful man. He is a strong, loyal, loving, and giving man of God! Outside of Christ, he is my rock and my everything. When I wake in the morning, and before I close my eyes at night, my thoughts are of how grateful and thankful I am for my husband.

I remember the week of my wedding so clearly. {Note-Our wedding was supposed to be small-meaning-nice casual dress, and slacks and tie for him, like church attire..Not the case by the end of the week} On Wednesday my {soon-to-be} Mother-In-Love and I went shopping for clothes for everyone in the family to wear to the Wedding. It was so fun, yet nerve wrecking all at the same time, but it is supposed to be, right? Thursday, my Mom and Dad came in town. I helped my mom with flowers and the arch. Then we tried to relax--ha, yeah right this had turned into an actual wedding before my eyes. Friday, my mom and I went shopping for a dress, an ACTUAL wedding dress---the day BEFORE my wedding---we found one that fit and that was perfect! That night my mom and M-I-L went to decorate the church in Pine Mt. and get it all ready. I tried getting my soon-to-be husband to go stay the night with his brother so he didn't "see the bride before the wedding", but he refused to leave me alone {did I mention he was sweet?!?!} b/c all that we invited to our wedding were family and all of my family lived way out of town so all I had that night was my mom and dad, and my sister was coming the next day. The BIG day came, Michael and I awoke to my dad making omelette's and bacon...YUM! We ate breakfast together, then he gathered his suit and went to his parents to get ready, all while I stayed home to shower and get ready, too! I was getting ready and my sister called and said she'd be late, it was fine with me, because surprise~surprise I was running late myself. I ended up being an HOUR late for my own wedding :(

Standing there looking the man I love in the eyes, and about to pledge my love for him with God as a witness, was the most amazing heart warming moment I had ever felt. My love for him felt so deep that my heart was literally hurting, not in a bad way, but a good one! I looked at this man in his eyes, with tears in the both of ours, and pledged to Love and Honour him for as long as we both shall live. I still feel that same love today as I felt then. And in my heart and mind I make that same pledge over and over every night as I lye next to him in our bed. HE is the reason I have so many "Precious Memories".

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