Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Michael Caden...

Michael "Caden" was born on November 9Th 2007. He weighed in at 8lbs 4oz, and 19in. long. He was born after 6 hours of labour at 6:47p.m. He was born with a very low immune system, and had to stay in the hospital a total of 7 days. He had to have I.V. antibiotics every 12 hours for 5 days (started the day after he was born and went until the day before he was released) Our last day in the hospital was for observation. I was lucky enough to be able to stay at the hospital with him. They set me up a room right by the nursery {he was able to be with me between the treatments~then back to the nursery every 12hours and he had to stay for an hour after each treatment to get blood drawls) ANY way, they let me stay with him because he was exclusively breastfed. On November 15Th we were able to finally make our journey home as a family of FOUR!

On our way home we had to stop by Nandy's house to get Emily. When we got there she came out to the car and I embraced her tightly {I was only able to see her the day after Caden was born right before they found out about his immune system}. I took a long look at her and she looked SO big, like she grew 3 feet and put on 10 lbs in a week. It took my breathe away as I watched her with her new baby brother. The two of them were the best of friends from the first day on. She was only 20 months old, but acted as though she were 20 YEARS old and like SHE was his mom. Even now it's always Emily and Caden {of course I have added referee to my list of job titles ;)..} The two definitely have their moments, but you can also definitely tell they have a close bond.

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