Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Emily Skye

Emily Skye came into our lives March 2006. I was in labour for a little over 13 hours. Here is her birth story.

I was scheduled for an induction on March 15Th 2006 at 41 weeks gestation {I had a stubborn little one and Michael was working an hour-hour and a half away with his dad and had to keep working until D-day so the project could get done, and with him being so far away we felt an induction was best for us.} I had to call the hospital at 5 a.m.{like I was asleep anyway..Yeah right I was so close to holding my little sleep for me :)...} to make sure they weren't full and I could get in. I called and they said to be there at 6--that was an HOUR! I jumped in the shower, blow dried my hair, woke Michael up, put on my make-up, then out the door we went. I paused in the doorway of our duplex, and took a glimpse of the stairway that led upstairs to the bedrooms, then looked straight ahead on the first floor at the den, kitchen, and living room as I realized it was no longer "Us" anymore--the next time that we walk through that same doorway that the couple whom referred to themselves as "Us/We" would no longer be...We would all be a "Family". It was almost as if the last nine months of morning {or ALL day sickness as they should call it} sickness suddenly felt like 9 weeks, or even hours. I could not believe that "We" turned "Us" into a FAMILY...It was going to be Daddy, Mommy, and Baby the next time we returned home.....I felt a bit overwhelmed, but also joy as I stood there and visioned myself walking the floors to soothe a newborn, a baby girl, OUR baby girl! I then had another realization....That I was going to be late for my induction that was supposed to start in 10 minutes...I was late for my own wedding so why not the birth of my child? Those that are the coolest are always fashionably late, right? ;) We stopped to get breakfast then off we went to have a baby. I looked in the backseat, on our way to the hospital, to see the pink and white checkered Graco SnugRide all properly placed in, a diaper bag with the baby's clothes, and a duffel bag with our clothes in it. We arrived at the hospital at 6:30 a.m. got checked in and started the induction at 7 a.m. I'll spare the horror details of labour and make a long story short...I was put on Pitocine at 7 a.m. by 3:30 I was dilated to a 9.5 and was stuck there for 3 hours. I started getting really sick and weak from the constant contractions every 1-2 minutes that were lasting 60-90 sec. so I gave in and got an Epidural at about 6:30 by 6:40 the epi was working and 30 minutes later a "Precious Memory" was born....Emily Skye, she was born at 7:10 p.m. weighing in at 8 lbs even, and was 22 in. long. She was beautiful. Olive complexion, bright deep blue eyes, and the fullest, longest, blackest hair I'd ever seen. She was gorgeous and she was "Ours" and she turned our "Us" into a "Family". Today Emily is a healthy happy 3 year old that now weighs in at 33 lbs. and is 39 in. tall. She is an amazing little girl that I love dearly. She is so full of life, and says the funniest stuff. Emily is one of the reasons for this blog. She says the cutest things sometimes and I always think at that moment "Wow I'll never forget this.", but then somehow I do. So after I introduce you to my other two children I will start the daily posts for the "Precious Memories". Everyday has something "unforgettable" in it, at least with 3 growing children around :)

1 comment:

  1. I love it! Tried to follow last night but I now see it just wasn't all the way up yet! I am the FIRST FOLLOWER and the first to comment. Go, Nandy! Ha Ha;)
